Friday, April 18, 2014

The Successor Tradition "Sagalo Bagandang"

BY Yusriwal
Jorong Galogandang still cloaked in mist, the rest of the dew that drops every night, still seen as clear spots on the leaves and grass. The sun does not show his face fierce, hiding behind the hills surrounding the Jorong Galogandang. Do not expect to see the morning sun here. In addition to obstructed by hills in the north, fog and morning dew does not give space to the views of anyone to be able to peek at the morning sun. This atmosphere enough to give the cold.

Jorong Galogandang located on the slopes of Mount Sago, in the north, in Kanagarian Andaleh, District Harau, District Five Puluah Koto. It is located approximately 15 miles from Payakumbuh easterly direction. The north there is a stretch of hills, so Galogandang like caged.
The word "Galogandang" comes from the word "sagalo bagandang" due to how to make pottery with clay banging, like someone hitting a drum.
In the morning the atmosphere ambush, oblong streets have started ditapaki farmers towards their ponds or rice fields and old women who come home from a mosque or surau. One of them is nurhayati (perhaps more appropriately called Nek nurhayati). He was 68 years old.
The lines on the face, the folds of skin on the arms and the legs are not covered in cloth, as if the owner had told me a long tread life and are satisfied with the acid salt of life. With a crowbar in his right hand and a bundle of sacks in the left hand, barefoot, Nek nurhayati ellipse on the path towards the fields, take place locah (clay).
Nek nurhayati started digging about two feet from the ground above the rice fields , until locah obtained . After locah put in 3 or 4 sacks , Grandma should nurhayati alternating 3 or 4 times along the path locah ellipse with a sack on his shoulder , to his house , to carry 3 or 4 sacks locah already taken . The distance between home and place of taking locah approximately 2 km .
Arriving at the house , after all locah collected , Nek nurhayati mix it with sand until smooth dough is ready to be formed into pottery . Making pottery made ​​from Monday to Friday . Throughout Saturday to Sunday night , all the pottery that has been established to be marketed burned Sunday . That's Nek nurhayati daily activities and 6 other grandmothers in Galogandang .
Pottery produced by grandmothers in Galogandang form : flower pots , mangosteen and papaya shaped piggy bank , pot commonly used to place the placenta ( afterbirth or placenta ) were then planted or dilarungkan . Their products are not only limited to the above three types , but they do not want to make another because there is no demand . In the past , they 've made ​​jars , vases , ashtrays with various motifs of fruits and animals , but not sold in the market .
In terms of technical ability , no doubt . Understandably , they already have a ' flight hours ' more , the average has been working over 50 years . Nek nurhayati for example , has been making pottery since the age of 15 years , whereas now 68 years old . Likewise with Grandma radias ( commonly called Mak Abiang ) , began making pottery since 4th grade elementary school , now 65 years old . This granny is very skilled . To make a round shape , achieved by placing a round stone for boxing in place is expected to be part of the inner and outer beaten using a wooden flat . In less than five minutes , the finished form of the second ball kutupnya still broad . If the patch will be a live cooking pot and add the polar bottom lip at the top of the circle . That they do while conversing .
" Feelling they are very sharp , " whispered Adirozal , a lecturer at the Department of Kriya , the Indonesian Arts College ( STSI ) Leopold ( now ISI - ed ) , which is also one of the researchers and observers of pottery .
" To make such a sphere , though pottery artists typically use a rotary tool , " he continued .
That routine grandmothers lived Galogandang , from day to day , week to week , year to year . Berbilang year , already more than fifty years of them as pottery craftsmen , but their fate has never changed . The problem is the selling price is too low . If they are up to now stick with pottery, caused wanted to maintain a long tradition of theirs and it is typical Jorong Galogandang . At least , that's what they believe until now . Galogandang Galogandang not otherwise produce pottery .
Producing Pottery Galogandang
Jorong Galogandang may include one of the old oblong in West Sumatra ( Minangkabau ) because in the Kaba Cindua Mato ( which tells the story of the kingdom under the leadership Bundo Pagaruyung Kanduang ) mentioned that Cindua Mato visited this ellipse and prayers in one mosque contained Galogandang . That is, the ellipse is already known at the time Bundo Kanduang power.
Galogandang name comes from the word " sagalo bagandang " ( all tattoo ) . Giving a name so associated with the process of making pottery there is done by hitting - hitting clay to be formed . Because all residents Galogandang at first is the potter , everywhere the hit - hit clay , the name synonymous with the sound of drums Galogandang potters . If the ellipse is no longer the GCC make pottery , this ellipse will be renamed Galolagang of said sagalo langang ( all empty ) .
That's why the grandmother should have been retired , still survive making pottery . So , even if they make pottery until now not only to earn , but rather due to the Galogandang bond as identical with pottery . Without pottery Galogandang will be lost . It is a pervasive belief and they are very aware of it .
Jorong Galogandang included in kanagarian Andaleh . At the bottom there Andaleh Kanagarian Mungo . Slightly upward , approaching Mount Sago waist Jorong Biaro there . The third area , which historically had a close relationship . People there believe that they both come from Pariangan . An area that is regarded as the area 's oldest and first settled place Minangkabau .
According to the story , whose ancestors came from the Pariangan after arriving at a place to plant a tree is a tree andaleh . The area around the plant is named after the hamlet andaleh tree Andaleh . The tree was great during flowering because the wind is blowing from Mount Sago , sanpai scattered flowers into the area beneath it . The area where the distribution of interest andaleh they named the village Mungo ( derived from the word ' bungo ' ) . With the passage of time , the population of the area is increased, the hamlet evolved into a village , then formed Nagari Nagari Andaleh and Mongo .
The name apparently comes from the word Biaro monastery . The change from the monastery into a " biaro " , it can be described as berikut.Dalam lingusitis Malay , monastery turned into a ' convent ' in Minangkabau language and turned into ' biaro ' .
It is estimated that , in the ellipse Biaro , there was once a monastery or biaro . As a place of worship , biaro require items of pottery used for religious ceremonies and for everyday purposes . Because there Jorong Biaro clay pottery used as the base material , sought elsewhere . Incidentally in Kanagarian Andaleh there somewhere that has a good clay . Since the start of pottery is done on the spot , the manufacturing is done by lapping . Since then , the making of pottery is called Galogandang .
The Fate of Pottery
In quality , grandmother of pottery production Galongandang , can compete with pottery from elsewhere . The proof , earthenware received good market in Batam , Singapore , Malaysia , and India . Quality of the raw material was good , not least with clay in Kasongan , Yogyakarta . One of the ITB D3 graduate who has conducted research in -law Galogandang and now become one of the family here , stating that the clay Galogandang better quality than anywhere else . It can also be proved by the combustion process . Only the low-temperature combustion produces clay pottery Galogandang pretty good .
However , good quality is not followed by a good price too . A pot , piggy bank , or flower pots only appreciated by traders valued at Rp 600 ( six hundred dollars ) . If within a week of each of them can produce 300 pieces of pottery , means any income they only Rp180.000 per week . Though Arriving in Batam , Singapore , Malaysia , and India the price is much higher . In Batam , a pot that is used to place the placenta price could reach 150,000 .
The real issue is the management of production and marketing . Pottery from Galogandang sold in Batam , Singapore , Malaysia , and India , not sold as the original . Arriving at the destination , prior to sale , all color-coded and motif pottery certain . For pot placenta , if there is an order that the owner's name written in pot placenta , the seller will do it . So , that makes the value added is the color and motif . Do not be far away , in Bukittinggi , origin Galogandang piggy bank sold for Rp 5,000 after a given color and motif .
If we look more closely , colors and patterns to give capital to the pot , piggy banks , and pots , probably no more than 1,000 . Meaning, if painted and given a motive directly by craftsmen , and may invest Rp1.600 only Rp 2,500 - Rp 3,000 salable . Craftsmen get additional income Rp1.100 - around 1,400 . If each of pottery craftsmen can complete 300 per week , they will get additional revenue of 300 x Rp1.100Rp1.400 , namely Rp330.000 - Rp420.000 per week . Their income each whole week will be added Rp180.000 Rp420.000 Rp330.000 or , in the amount of Rp 510,000 - Rp 600,000 .
Tatapi reality on the ground is not that simple . Besides do not have the capital to buy the dye , they do not have the expertise in making a good motive for pottery . Making pottery does not require capital . All materials provided by nature . Origin has the skill , the will , and have time to work , be ceramic as their current production .
Who does not want to go forward ? They are waiting for a helping hand from anyone , who has attention to their plight . *

Source: Analysis and Thought SAGA Magazine , Number 2 July 2002

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