Saturday, May 1, 2010

Traditional Marriage in Minangkabau

Stretch of this paper describes the rules and procedures of marriage in Minangkabau, West Sumatra. Minangkabau as the only region in Indonesia which matrilineal kinship system, according to her lineage.
Matrilineal kinship systems in the world who still survived until now only a small group communities on the shores of Lake Nyasa in Africa. While according to Moh. Yamin in his 6000 Year of the Red and White Minang people reputedly descendants of sailors who stayed until the 10th century in Madagascar also embraces matrilineal kinship system.
After the Minangkabau, the adherents of matrilineal kinship system is the largest that is, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia, with its famous Indigenous Perpatih.
Can be interpreted as customary norms, rules, and procedures. As is customary cultural customs, traditions, and customs.
What about etiquette and customs that prevail in the realm of marriage Minangkabau, West Sumatra?
First necessary to explain the difference between the Minangkabau in West Sumatra. Minangkabau is the area of ethnic-geneologis from one ethnic group in Indonesia that its cultural and social systems can be distinguished from other tribes or ethnic groups. Meanwhile, West Sumatra is the name of one of the areas of government administration.
Minangkabau tribe that inhabit large areas of West Sumatra and a small part outside the administrative area of West Sumatra, such as nearest neighbors in the region of Riau, Jambi and Bengkulu.
In the Tambo Minangkabau limits stated as follows:
"... The ripples in the swash nan Sikilang Air Bangis, in Sasak Rando Manjo to Tapan Indrapura, in the hovel Air Hitam bounded by King poem in Muko-Muko Nature, then bent Rajo Durian, borders of Jambi, to the Twenty-One Less Rantau and fulfilled with Muaro twenty in Sijunjung, therein lies Sipisak Knives Lost in Silukah Tungga Pinang, dihilirnya Rantau Singingi. Paranap with Cerenti, to the beehive berlantak iron, in the Lower Great Door, in which XII Koto Kampar including Kuok, Bangkinang, Solo, Air Tiris and Rumbio. North to the upright standing mountain and the mountain Sahilan Mahalintang. Rantau collectively in three sackcloth water rushing river waters named Batanghari, rivers turbid waters named Batang Kuantan and Sungai Batang in which the water was calm Kampar and Siak River ... "

Of West Sumatra province now is a name that is located on the west coast of Sumatra island or Newcastle. The name has existed since the Dutch colonial era. The area is touched by van Guverneur van Sumatra's Westkust. Territory encompasses Residency West Sumatra, Tapanuli, and Island Lots (1847-1912). Since the year 1912, became the name of Residentie Soematera Westkust or Residency West Sumatra.
West Sumatra lies in the interior of the Minangkabau center called Luhak nan Tigo. Because it is located in the interior, also called darek or landline. Pariangan-Padangpanjang at the foot of Mount Merapi is one of the oldest and villages at the foot of Bukit Batu Pagaruyung Patah as the Kingdom Centre.

And Minangkabau, one is not much left of recorded history, both in terms of customs and culture as well as in terms of governance or power system, leaving less written history than any other ethnic group in the world.
The expert believes that since the Minangkabau have no script to list the events that occur or which apply throughout the history of life.
Minang culture present in the community as an oral culture, oral culture, from mouth to mouth. This is what is said to be "a drop berpantangan lost, forgot a line of abstinence. From ninik down to the mamak, mamak to a niece of. "
After Islam was introduced to the Minangkabau around the 13th century or earlier, Minang people began to learn to read the holy book Quran. At the same time they must be good at reading and writing Arabic characters. It was then that later gave birth to writing Arabic script known as Jawi Melayu or letters. Since it was also the estimated Tambo many books written from said exposure to older people.
In this case, we must hold fast to the message and opinion from a wise scholar Dr. Minangkabau birth. H. Mohammad Hatta, the Proclaimers Independence R.I.
Seminar on History and Culture in Minangkabau in Batusangkar year 1970 proposed, "The ancestors we have left to us something very valuable and very monumental ie Minangkabau adat and culture itself. When we can understand and mengamalkannya Minangkabau adat was teaching it is very universal. "
Though Tambo does not provide the data and the fact, but if we are able to analyze the nature of words contained in the Tambo incline, then nobody can not we obtain granules which sometimes also described the customary background history.
I take as an example: the indigenous Minangkabau often referred to as the customs Lamo pusako obsolete. This illustrates that the old custom was long, long used and passed down through generations to our times. Inheritance or legacy is not the stuff that came suddenly. But an heirloom is really long and valuable.
Usangnya however customary, which became a question in the community, especially among the researchers, is that since it was customary when standing. There is rhyme in the Tambo:
In mano titiak palito
In baliak telong nan batali
From despair niniak mano Kito
From the top gunuang Marapi

(Where is the point lamp
Behind the lace tanglung
Where did our grandmothers decline
From the peak of Mount Merapi)

From the structure of the poem is, in addition to rhyme (ab / ab), sampirannya also contains a deep meaning. In mano lantern point? Answered by the second row, in baliak telong nan batali.
Tanglung or telong is an oil lamp from China that diinjing to illuminate the streets at night to see the fields of water, to shop or to the toilet, the chamber pointed out (tandeh) and others.
Tanglung is essentially figurative symbol of Chinese culture. Who's ancestral culture Minang people are behind the Chinese culture. This means that older Minangkabau culture of culture "tanglung", the Chinese culture.
Tambo mention also, ".... Kutiko maso dahulunyo, batigo rajo naiak nobat, Partamo, Alif Rajo ka nan down banur Ruhum, kaduo, Dipang Rajo ka nan down banur Cino, katigo, Maharajo Dirajo manapek nan ka nangko Paco island. Sultan Iskandar Zulkarnain Katigonyo child .. "
In Indonesian, "... As the former, the three kings rose nobat (throne). First: King of the ruling on the continent Alif Rum, second: King Dipang in power in continental China, and the third, which go straight to the island Maharajadiraja Believe this. Three is the son of Iskandar Zulkarnain the Great or Alexander the Great.
Tambo conveyed the story is the truth of past history. This means that between the Eastern Roman culture has something to do with the history of the Minangkabau.
First, the voyagers Minangkabau-third century BCE (BC) have met with troops in the Indus valley Iskandar Zulkarnaini under Onesecritus. Later gave birth to stories with Iskandar Zulkarnaini relationship.
Second, the ambassadors from the west coast of Sumatra Rachias had visited the palace in the Eastern Roman Cladius in the second century AD. Ambassador was not derived from the Minangkabau.
Similarly, the relationship between the Minangkabau and Chinese around the 7th century, when the home Sing It went to China to learn petatah layover in Malay proverb that no other is the Minangkabau culture.
So, the story can be traced Tambo mirror into the past by tracing the life of the Minangkabau ancestors. Was not it is customary answer to the challenges of nature and history in the dynamics of Minangkabau society?
The stories were still spoken in the customary speeches, pelewaan prince, or a speech sakti "starch ambalau" big house or boarded ceremony panganugerahan sangsako customary title to someone.
Does the name Minangkabau existing at that time? That means around 300 years BC? The experts agree, the displacement of the nations of the "land base" has been underway since 2000 BC. They departed from Vietnam now. Nations family of nations comes from Astronesia. They were supporters of Neolithic culture, the prehistoric era.
In general, the rivers that disgorge in rural West Sumatra empties into the Strait of Malacca (east) is like a giant snake that was dropped. Rivers is Siak, Kampar, Indragiri (Batang Kuantan) and Batanghari. Through the rivers that the group of nations that the displacement of the Indians are behind or alkaline soil. They go up these rivers to the interior of the Minangkabau.
Bronze Age relic known as the Dong Son kebudayan found in Kerinci, Bangkinang, and partly in the near Batusangkar. Dong Son is somewhere south of Hanoi, which is used as a characteristic of Bronze Age cultures in Southeast Asia.
Meanwhile, in the opinion of Professor Purbatjaraka, Minangkabau word comes from the word "Minanga Kanwar" which means river of twins, and Kampar Kampar Kiri Kanan.
But according to stories in the Tambo, said the story originated Minangkabau buffalo complain. From words to win the buffalo ("manangkabau") or "mainang buffalo" which over time became the Minangkabau.
"This incident occurred when the buffalo fights Pamalayu expedition to subdue the Malays by offering buffalo fights. The delegation who came from Java have been ready with a long stem female buffalo horn sedepa. In that event, buffalo Malays who won with cleverness Minang ancestors. The Minangkabau not find commensurate with buffalo buffalo from Java, but getting a baby buffalo in close to feed. Small buffalo was separated from its mother for a week and given a horn is made of an iron spike. When the game started baby buffalo is released and immediately ran after holding such a big buffalo to feed. When feeding baby buffalo's sharp horns pierced the stomach of buffalo from Java. Then the buffalo menanglah Minang people.
Since then the name of tribes who settled in the valley or at the foot of Mount Merapi and Sago Singgalang called Minangkabau derived from the word "manang-kabau" or "mainang kabau".
So with the indigenous Minangkabau history revealed in the following verse:
Children itiak chicks
Bagaluang feather in pungguangnyo
Kaciak sagadang bijo spinach
Earth jo langik dikanduangnyo

In Indonesian:
Chicks ducklings
Curled feathers on its back
Small grains for chickens
Earth and sky contains
Finally, I want to bring it up here that has stood with the indigenous Minangkabau as a norm that regulates the masayarakatnya life, both individually (the individual) as well as a family.
This includes the rules of marriage, related by marriage menyemenda, and others accepted and has become a culture in Minangkabau (West Sumatra) from the first until now.
Customary marriage in Minangkabau
Let us try to bring some of the words wheat customary expression of natural life in Minangkabau:
Hiduik in nature Minangkabau
Basuku basako, baadat balimbago
Bakorong bakampuang
Bamamak bakamanakan

Barumah batanggo, baipa babisan
Hiduik sumando manyumando
Baanak bakaturunan
Babako babaki, baandan pasumandan

Maso armpit diasuah s hand
Disuruah mangaji baraja sumbayang
From kaciak awaited gadang
Child is seen, viewed kemanakan

Ne umua Limbago cukuik
Tibo ne jo may patuik
Posted distant view
View dakek ditukiakkan

Ne aka Kok manjala
Ne reason why marangkak
Batamu samo mamak mamak
Mamak mamak at risk jo pitch ethane

Kak lai batamu rueh jo books
Lai lai sajodoh sajudu

Custom deck basandi syarak
Syarak basandi kitabullah
Syarak mangato, customary mamakai

Married jo niniak mamak
Jo's marriage parampuan
Debt syarak tangguangan bapo mother
Customs debt baban niniak mamak

Ujuangnyo duduak basandiang in palaminan
Bajalin bakulindan kaduonyo
Lanjutannyo sumando manyumando sigai mancari Anau basin
Sigai baranjak face Anau

Kabau tagak puddle residence,
luluak nan nan dibao sado lakek in the body.
Tapatan residence, pambao kumbali.
Suarang divided, sakutu dibalah.

That is customary Kito dipaturun dipanaikkan nan,
diico nan nan bapakai, sabarih bapantang lupo.
Satitiak bapantang missing
Samo naiak piapuang Tub
Samo down bathtub kapocong
Tapakai juo from the first until now.

Description is: as people have multiracial bersaka Minang (sako). It means living in a group of collateral ranging from women's grandmother or mother along the lines (matrilineal). From the initial rate or the parent tribe, Koto-Piliang, Bodi Caniago. The four main tribes, built by Datuk Datuk Perpatih Katumanggungan and Sabatang nan has now been a lot of mess.
According L.C. Westenenk in his book De Minangkabausche Nagari, fractions of the four tribes that was more than a hundred tribes, among others: Malays, plot, Kampai, Mandahiling, tuft, Carboys, Banana, Pitapang, Payobadar, domo, Panai, Balaimansiang, Sikumbang, Simabur, Salo , Kutianyir, Supanjang, Sumagek, and others.
So, one of the four tribes were called the tribe, which means one-quarter part of a group. After a cluster in one tribe from a seed according to the grandmother or mother's line there should be sakonya. In the Sanskrit word derived from the word saka sako which means ancestor, the main mast, the head of the tribe or in the. Sako Tuo milestone means the main pillar of a house or a large sieve or bagonjong Minangkabau house. That is what is called the prince with his ancestor, for example Paduko Marajo Datuk, Datuk Rangkayo Basa, and others.
Berlembaga habitual means to live in an environment of customary norms, following the pattern, reference, shape, model rules of customary law. That pattern left by the ancestors mentioned Limbago.
In the Tambo stated: "Ordered stem-ciek ciek, dilukih limbago, traditional fit, then ka basauah ocean." That is, the prepared stems one by one according to their respective fields, painted forms or institutions. Then the custom fit, and then anchored to the sea. Sometimes certain limits and there are times when uninhibited by nature universal.
Berkorong Zanoah, meaning that every persukuan bermamak berkemenakan korongnya namely that it occupies a portion or a corner of the village. Kinship relations remain valid and berkemenakan bermamak.
Furthermore, children and nephew yang when old enough, both men and women, are possible and deserves, endeavored to get married (married married) in accordance with Islamic Shari'a. This process is called Syarak mangato mamakai customary.
According to the rules of marriage (mating-mawin) in Minangkabau done outside a relative who called exogamy. They were forbidden to marry tribesman. People from the tribe Caniago not marriageable or married people Caniago tribes as well. This system is used to perpetuate the matrilineal kinship (lineage according to mother). Moreover, it is to preserve the integrity of the relationship is not extinct tribe to tribe or cracked.
In the event that tribal marriage, had come in building household disasters such as the crisis between husband and wife ended in divorce (talaq), resulting in a crack house relations between (the) man with a house (the people) of the wife. Though they were from a tribe which is considered berdunsanak (brothers).
Basically, it is customary adat Minangkabau Islamic, customary basandi syarak, syarak basandi Kitabullah. Syarak mangato, customary mamakai. The entire Islamic religious prohibition of marriage to the ban also for the indigenous. However, traditional adds restrictions to marry a tribe. If it happens like that, then the two boys and wife were declared to have violated customary and dispose of them punished, expelled from the kampong (village). Against relatives, according to matrilineal system, also subject to customary penalties. They do not take sehilir semudik, sehutang sepiutang. If you get a disaster like the death of his people, they will not be visited by the village. "The bad news will not berhambauan," the saying goes. If the people had held a celebration (party) of marriage or festivity, the public was prohibited or not allowed to meet them. "There's no good dikabar berhimbauan," the saying goes. Usually both husband and wife would leave the village and live in abroad forever like in Java, Medan, Sulawesi, and others. Such circumstances dikiaskan by artisans sang rhymes:
High malanjuiklah you rocky
Indak Tabang ka-lai den Tabang
Residence mancaguiklah you kampuang
Indak den come home lai ka

(High melanjutlah you Betung
indak slash-cut trail again
ward you live mencagutlah
we will not come home again)
Meanwhile, his people lived in the village will suffer for years mind because dipencil by society, not brought forth sehilir, sehutang sepiutang. After five years until 10 years have passed, the people will beg to Ninik Mamak in the village who are members of Adat Nagari density, it is customary sanctions that have been fro for a few years it can be rescinded or forgiven.
Application is usually convened by the density of Indigenous Villages and then set the decision. Customary sanction was lifted back on condition that it invites all the people of the village community within a meal (trick-herb) at home these people. "Indigenous filled limbago poured." When the prince of shoot (Shoot Traditional) announced the start time wasted penalty was lifted. It brought back the sehilir forth, sehutang sepiutang.
Sometimes there are additional requirements for these people to pay fines by creating a gate to the mosque or the children of beruduk, and purification. But in general, both husband and wife are still living in the kampong people and rarely home.
What he said "Sigai find enau?" Sigai is a piece of bamboo (Betung) a pivoted or boarded a foothold as the ladder when climbing palm trees (Arenga pinnata). Customary adage that implies husband came home to stay at home wife or relative of his wife. This is characteristic of marriage "matrilokal". He became sumando from kerbat wife.
The position of the sumando (by marriage) in Minangkabau said, "If the hash is not broken", because that ruled in the wife was "mamak's house" or tungganai, the oldest man in the the wife. A related by marriage are like ashes on the stump. This means that when the winds came flying ash. But do not also mean a husband in Minangkabau not responsible for their wives and children.
A related by marriage to the wife referred to as inclined to sustain, which will be briefly reviewed, the length of which will whittle. A related by marriage is a friend to negotiate and deliberation, Beriya-berbukan by mamak's house, the brother of the wife.
The task of his children by marriage to the prevailing custom fatwas, which are summarized in a poem:
Kaluak nails nuts balimbiang
Sway-lenggangkan Timpurung
Dibawo manurun ka Saruaso
Children kamanakan guided lap
People kampuang dipatenggangkan
Nagari grace binaso jan

(Fern niche nut ridley
shell-lenggangkan lengggang
Brought down to Suruasa
Children's nephew guided lap
Kampong people dipertenggangkan
Tengganglah villages do not perish)
So the people closest to the child is a father. He is a lap. The role of fathers in a household is very dominant. In the village of his wife, his position as father of "lap" children. That is, he was responsible for their children. While in his nation, he is also the uncle who had a nephew to be guided.
In the course of history according to the customary marriage law in Minangkabau, scholars and scholars opposed the marriage many tribes. Three elements of leadership in Minangkabau as a furnace called Tigo sejarangan consisting of Ninik Mamak, Alim Ulama and scholars.
According to Professor Buya. Dr. Hamka, at some time in 1936, they held a big meeting in the Model. Representatives "stove sejarangan Tigo" from every village on the banks of the beautiful sea. Incidentally Maninjau villages in the religious community strong and famous as a warehouse Maninjau clergy. Like Inyiak De-er (Doctoral H. Abdul Karim Amrullah, Buya Hamka father), Dr. Moh. Natsir international and national Muslim leaders, Buya A. R. Sutan Mansur, General Chairman of Muhammadiyah Pimimpinan Centers across Indonesia and Hamka own.
Great meeting discussing the agenda to open or allow a tribal wedding in Maninjau with Islamic religious reasons do not allow or prohibit a tribal marriage. According Buya Hamka, although existing collective decision that allows marriage as a tribe, but none that want to practice. Various reasons put forward, some say, "blossom cheeks, feeling disgusted if would intermarry with dunsanak mawin, brother of a tribe." With any person related by marriage relationships we've limited. Relationships with people related by marriage, the husband's brother, husband and nephew, and so forth, is there a relationship of mutual respect (eversion Relationship) or pleasantries.
If a sumando'm bathing in pencoran, on the river or the lake, then we will move away and would not share the bathroom with people sumando. Vice versa.
Minangkabau adat was founded upon a noble mind and character:
Tumanggung buy rice
Dried over bawak
If life is not virtuous
What to body crew
Nan pock kundi
Nan red saga
Nan considerate
Beautiful language
From a child has been given every child Minangkabau character education. If you want to go home, let our brother cleared his throat (cough-cough) first as a gesture to brother, sister or niece we packed up herself, straightening her clothes, perhaps people sumando is resting, while relaxing with his wife on the house, and so forth.
Attempts to remove the ban on married a tribal custom, not only through village meetings, but also through books romance in the age of the New Doctor, written by the authors of birth Minangkabau. The ban is regarded as the confinement on Minangkabau society which is considered outdated and archaic. Whereas traditional Minangkabau adat bersendikan syarak, syarak Kitabullah jointed.
Noor St. Iskandar, a son of Minangkabau, in 1928 authored the famous book romannya Wrong Choose. Author establish his story with great characters mengasikkan with Asri not allowed to marry with Asnah that a tribe with Asri.
Likewise Buya Hamka. At the time of his youth making up novel entitled, Picked Mamak (1930) who opened the discourse on the subject. Noor St. Iskandar returned displaying Because in law (1938). Later novels Hamka (1938), which makes people burst into tears when reading the Sinking Ship Van Der Wijk, who wanted to break the habit of mating-mawin ban with those from other tribes. Zainuddin characters whose mother is the father Zainuddin Makassar but Minang people. Zainuddin romantic relationship with the Biological hampered by traditional restrictions, "Where the child will berbako?" Bako paternal family is woven into babako-babaki. Although a child Zainuddin Minangkabau banana, he still considered the Bugis Makassar.
Wherever Minang people to leave or have been lost at the times or periods dilamun shoreline, but his tribe will never be lost. Unlike Java tribe, so his son to marry means they have built a new family. Minang people, even in marriage with the girl Irian, Papua, but he remained as members of the tribe of his mother.
In the year 1912 published in a newspaper Padang Melajoe ambassadors. And one group with the ambassadors for the newspaper also published Melajoe Soenting Melajoe, Akhbar Women led by Rohana Koedoes, from Koto Gadang, Bukittinggi. Rohana Koedoes is the older one from Sjahrir father, former Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia and National hero.
Mahjoeddin Dt. Sutan Maharajo through the media that he led with a polemical journalist, Saadah Alim, in his paper published in Women Soeara 1917 in Padang. Which is open for discussion about women in order to exit from the restraints of Minangkabau adat, for example, in love with each other must have an intermediary, must not retreat between bachelorhood and girls (alone). The purpose of confinement or the customary attitude of people like that so that the old Minangkabau embers of romance with the young man not to burn. This means do not cross the line which could result in falling into the abyss of sin in religious terms. How to let go of romantic longing in the first only through love letters. Hear a poem below:
Thursday evening Friday evening
Put the tip candle sticks
Pat call pillow spirit
Hopefully see you in my dreams

So that two line rhyme:
Taro potato vegetable curry
Cuisine children Kuala Nyiur
Gold sister slave trays
Can we muddle?
The second reporter after Rohana Koedoes is Saadah Alim gets fierce attacks from journalists Datuk Maharajo Sutan because Saadah Alim journalist use the word "independence" in his writings. Though intended Saadah Alim is that women (girls) have the freedom to develop himself.
In between the traditional exchanges, with the clergy and cadiak smart about marriage ban a tribe, it seems that the establishment of the customs still survived until now. Violation of a tribal marriage customs in Minangkabau very little happened. Why each person the Minang feel still remains berdunsanak (brothers) among those who are a tribe. Marriageable a spare, but different mamak. This means that unlike fixed sako sako mamak mamak candidate's wife, but marriage-marriage tribal peoples, such as Javanese, Sundanese, Bugis, Acehnese, and even strangers had been a lot happening now in Minangkabau.
Before marriage marriage was conducted, preceded by some form of activity willingly siasek jo (accurate and tactics), dirangkakkan kindness, common run, recognition and agreement. The goal is to find a deal, sign the joint meet with the book. So also in implementation. When the bride came from different villages, so that must be negotiated in advance about the procedure of implementation of the different customs. An agreement must be obtained from the customary word "Stated another desert locust, the other other Lubuak ikannyo, adatnyo other other villages."
Activities that precede the marriage-marriage is:
1.       Manapiak bandua, which meet the family. In general, families of women who come to the house male family party to introduce ourselves and convey meaning, presumably the two families can be united closely nephew by marriage family child.
2.      Pinang-woo, a formal authorization requests for second niece marriage family child. Pinang propose is a form of politeness that high. Although the two men who will marry the son of man, but in essence linkage relationship between two family relatives, such as the customary word, "Marriage with the parampuan, mating with niniak mamak".
3.      Anta ameh and mambuek promise, namely the engagement activities or weigh Tando. Both sides held a meeting at home to carry out the exchange of women relatives sign a marriage will take place. Usually in the form of gold rings, so-called "exchange rings". If someone has been wearing the ring, which means he already has, and should not be disturbed again.
4.      Marriage-mating, ie the implementation of customary marriage and Islam. Both sides held a celebration according to the capability and agreements. Implementation of traditional ceremonies since "manapiak bandua" (pat pendulum) to "weigh Tando" conducted with the approval and was attended ninik mamak. While the implementation of the contract of marriage made by his father under the terms of religious doctrine. According to the customary words:
 Dad returned home bako ka
 In the interspace tumbuah capo,
 Customs debt dijunjuang Mamak
 Debt syarak baban Mother-Bapo
Terms of administration and recording of marriage performed under the terms of marriage law. Thus, marriage in Minangkabau carried out according to custom, syarak and laws or regulations.
5.      Japuik-Anta (jeput-between), ie pick marapulai (bride) to her family home by male relatives. This usually brings the bride to pick up previously agreed requirements.
6.      Menjalang, manjanguak cage (see the position) is a family party of men came to her family home to see their nephew circumstances.
Ceremony (celebration of Marriage)
Implementation of traditional ceremonies is not always in the form and scope of the same. In general the traditional ceremonies in accordance diselengga movement organizer capabilities. If the penyelanggara people are descended from princes and shoots or king, the ceremony conducted on a large and cost a lot. But if you simply can not be implemented.
There are four kinds of customs procedures in wedding party:
1.       Baciluikkan aia, a prayer or ceremony that is conducted on a small scale consisting of roof family members or close neighbors with a Malin (ulama) to read the prayer, then the event is completed.
2.      Pangkeh Pucuak or Prune shoots, ie cutting a goat for a feast. Celebration or ceremony is already inviting people sekaum and compatriot and friend baid.
3.      Kabuang Tree Trunk or Wrap, which held the ceremony by cutting a bit older cows. Ceremony of the medium. Who attended had a lot of invitations to invite to villages or other luhak, friends, dignitaries, and others.
4.      Coat Urek (Lembang Vein or Unloading Roots), namely the implementation of celebration or ceremony of the most festive with slaughtering a water buffalo. This is done to Balambang Urek Batagak Gala ceremony prince or princess wedding, dignitary. In some areas of this celebration is called "Alexandrovitch mamacah plate" or "World mangirok leaf." In the first period to pick up children engku Demat, Commissioner, Klerk, Nagari hoofd, prince of shoot and others. At each level of the ceremony such as art displays, drum and Talempong, lute music, saluang, rabab, and gamat.
Pelamin and Antakesuma Suji
Wedding gear (Alexandrovitch married) which is the main aisle. In the past, have not distinguished between the bride's room with the aisle, between the second quarter. Lamin real meaning is the king's seat, now used as a second seat bride. The bridegroom is a king for a day, so he was placed in singasana called wedding.
According to old customs rules, which may wear wedding is a custom rod and a symbol Alexandrovitch kabuang urek only. But now these rules have been violated people.

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